Foil Tapes with Liner

Product Code


Backing Material Total Thickness (mm) Tensile Strength (kg/cm) Elongation (%) Adhesion to steel (gms/cm)
F-930 Acrylic Aluminium Foil (30 microns) 0.07 1.5 5 400
F-950 Acrylic Aluminium Foil (50 microns) 0.09 3 5 400
F-975 Acrylic Aluminium Foil (75 microns) 0.12 4 5 400
F-954UL Acrylic Copper Foil (0.035 mm Thick Foil) 0.075 4 350
F-955 Electrically Conductive Acrylic Copper Foil (0.035 mm Thick Foil) 0.070 4 250

Note : All statements, Technical Information and Recommendations are based on Test, we believe to be reliable and should not be taken to frame specifications. Before using the Tape the user shall determine the suitability of the product for his intended use.
Quality R&D Mission Timeline
Electrical Tapes Shoe upper Tapes Leather Goods Tapes Double sided Tapes Industrial Tapes Masking Tapes Foil Tapes